Tuesday, February 8, 2011

High Heels leads

Christy N.

Rhetorical Question.
1.         Have you ever worn high heeled shoes and regretting it latter? Most teenage girls have including me, but latter they will probably say “but I got used to them” so they continue wearing them. You see high heeled shoes everywhere from your mom’s closet to the red carpet worn by Lady Gaga and other super stars. The influence makes us want to fit in so we wear them even though they are painful.

2.    The pain was unbearable, the soreness, the stinging- I couldn’t stand it. I had to take them off but I couldn’t. I was standing in the middle of the line I was putting weight to my left feet then to the right and I was asking myself “Why did I wear my five inch stilettos?” you must be asking is all that pain caused by shoes? Yes it is first time wearers think they will get used to it in a few minutes but they are wrong the pain actually increases until it is unbearable.

Direct address lead
3.    Do you like wearing high heels? You might want to think again. Studies show that heels can affect your health. It can cause pain, soreness and even foot deformities. you would need foot surgeries or you would have problems walking.


  1. Great blog post the one that i actually like is the 1st and last one... it made me want to read more about the story.

  2. I enjoyed your second lead the most because I am sure some people would be able to relate to that and that would allow people to want to keep reading.

  3. I think the second lead, the narrative, is the strongest and the most interesting lead.


  4. The 2nd and 3rd leads are really good. They seem to be the one most people can relate to.

  5. I like the 2nd lead. It's something people can relate to.

  6. I think you could probably combine the second and third leads to show that the pain you're feeling while wearing the stilettos is just the beginning... and then go into all of the horrible things that can happen with extended high heel wearing.
